Canada Cyber-Safe
The following depicts what the Canada Cyber-Safe journey will be like from the initial enquiry through our site or our certified vendor to the completion and certificate of Accreditation for your Business.
Pricing Table
Our pricing strategy for Canada Cyber-Safe is very transparent and succint. Our aim is to ensure that accreditation is attainable, cost effective and it protects your business and your employee and customer personal data and systems.
Latest blog news
Canada CYBER-SAFE AccREDItation
Your Business Threat is Global
The threat from Global State Threat Actors and Opportunistic Hackers is a Global Issue as Cyber Space is active from any location on our Planet. Business organisations and Business within supply chains are being attacked on a daily basis and being probed for weakness by Threat Actors around the globe - Lets get Canadian Business to a baseline Standard to prevent and deter these attacks and causing reputation and Monetary damage to Canadian business. This starts with you signing up for CANADA CYBER-SAFE!